Bertie Marshall is a writer / performer. He is also an acclaimed memoirist, most well known for his book Berlin Bromley (2006) about his transformation from Bertie, an anxious, androgynous, depressed teenager, into Berlin, a teenager who would reject suburban values and become a founding member of punk’s ‘Bromley Contingent’, alongside Siouxsie Sioux, Steven Severin and Billy Idol.
- A1 Ke Ke Ke Ke Ke Ya
- A2 Talk To Tapistries
- A3 The World Is Round
- A4 The Old Man Carrying A Black Bag Is In Their Garden
- A5 Chihuahua (Talking Dog)
- A6 St Mar
- A7 Meshes Over Morning
- A8 Offerings
- A9 Sang Sang
- B1 Shaking Johnny
- B2 The Tattoo Breathes
- B3 The Little Red Sports Car (From Psycho Boys)
- B4 Commit To Fire
- B5 Authoress